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tearshark 4 years ago

+ 1
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librf/src/awaitable.h View File

@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ RESUMEF_NS

future_type get_future()
future_type get_future() noexcept
return future_type{ this->_state };

+ 6
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librf/src/counted_ptr.h View File

@@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ RESUMEF_NS
template <typename T>
struct counted_ptr
counted_ptr() = default;
counted_ptr(const counted_ptr& cp) : _p(cp._p)
counted_ptr() noexcept = default;
counted_ptr(const counted_ptr& cp) : _p(cp._p)
counted_ptr(T* p) : _p(p)
counted_ptr(T* p) : _p(p)
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ RESUMEF_NS
std::swap(_p, cp._p);
counted_ptr& operator=(const counted_ptr& cp)
counted_ptr& operator=(const counted_ptr& cp)
if (&cp != this)
@@ -44,12 +44,12 @@ RESUMEF_NS
T* operator->() const
T* operator->() const noexcept
return _p;
T* get() const
T* get() const noexcept
return _p;

+ 2
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librf/src/future.h View File

@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ RESUMEF_NS
counted_ptr<state_type> _state;
future_t(counted_ptr<state_type> _st)
future_t(counted_ptr<state_type> _st) noexcept
:_state(std::move(_st)) {}
future_t(const future_t&) = default;
future_t(future_t&&) = default;
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ RESUMEF_NS
future_t& operator = (const future_t&) = default;
future_t& operator = (future_t&&) = default;
bool await_ready()
bool await_ready() noexcept
return _state->future_await_ready();

+ 7
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librf/src/generator.h View File

@@ -121,29 +121,29 @@ RESUMEF_NS
return generator_t{ *this };
std::experimental::suspend_always initial_suspend()
std::experimental::suspend_always initial_suspend() noexcept
return {};
std::experimental::suspend_always final_suspend()
std::experimental::suspend_always final_suspend() noexcept
return {};
std::experimental::suspend_always yield_value(_Ty const& _Value)
std::experimental::suspend_always yield_value(_Ty const& _Value) noexcept
_CurrentValue = std::addressof(_Value);
return {};
//template<class = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<_Ty, void>, _Ty>>
void return_value(_Ty const& _Value)
void return_value(_Ty const& _Value) noexcept
_CurrentValue = std::addressof(_Value);
//template<class = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<_Ty, void>, _Ty>>
void return_value()
void return_value() noexcept
_CurrentValue = nullptr;
@@ -161,14 +161,14 @@ RESUMEF_NS
template <typename _Uty>
_Uty&& await_transform(_Uty&& _Whatever)
_Uty&& await_transform(_Uty&& _Whatever) noexcept
static_assert(std::is_same_v<_Uty, void>,
"co_await is not supported in coroutines of type std::experiemental::generator_t");
return std::forward<_Uty>(_Whatever);
state_type* get_state()
state_type* get_state() noexcept
size_t _State_size = _Align_size<state_type>();

+ 4
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librf/src/macro_def.inl View File

@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
#pragma once

#ifndef _offset_of
#define _offset_of(c, m) reinterpret_cast<size_t>(&static_cast<c *>(0)->m)

#define co_yield_void co_yield nullptr
#define co_return_void co_return nullptr
#define resumf_guard_lock(lker) (lker).lock(); resumef::scoped_lock<resumef::mutex_t> __resumf_guard##lker##__(std::adopt_lock, (lker))

+ 5
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librf/src/promise.h View File

@@ -16,24 +16,24 @@ RESUMEF_NS
using promise_type = promise_t<value_type>;
using future_type = future_t<value_type>;

promise_impl_t() noexcept {}
promise_impl_t(promise_impl_t&& _Right) noexcept = default;
promise_impl_t& operator = (promise_impl_t&& _Right) noexcept = default;
promise_impl_t(const promise_impl_t&) = delete;
promise_impl_t& operator = (const promise_impl_t&) = delete;

auto get_state()->state_type*;
auto get_state() noexcept->state_type*;

suspend_on_initial initial_suspend() noexcept;
suspend_on_final final_suspend() noexcept;
template <typename _Uty>
_Uty&& await_transform(_Uty&& _Whatever);
_Uty&& await_transform(_Uty&& _Whatever) noexcept;
void set_exception(std::exception_ptr e);
#ifdef __clang__
void unhandled_exception(); //If the coroutine ends with an uncaught exception, it performs the following:
future_type get_return_object();
void cancellation_requested();
future_type get_return_object() noexcept;
void cancellation_requested() noexcept;

using _Alloc_char = std::allocator<char>;
void* operator new(size_t _Size);

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librf/src/promise.inl View File

@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ RESUMEF_NS

template <typename _Ty>
template <typename _Uty>
_Uty&& promise_impl_t<_Ty>::await_transform(_Uty&& _Whatever)
_Uty&& promise_impl_t<_Ty>::await_transform(_Uty&& _Whatever) noexcept
if constexpr (is_future_v<_Uty> || is_awaitable_v<_Uty>)
@@ -81,19 +81,19 @@ RESUMEF_NS

template <typename _Ty>
inline future_t<_Ty> promise_impl_t<_Ty>::get_return_object()
inline future_t<_Ty> promise_impl_t<_Ty>::get_return_object() noexcept
return { this->get_state() };

template <typename _Ty>
inline void promise_impl_t<_Ty>::cancellation_requested()
inline void promise_impl_t<_Ty>::cancellation_requested() noexcept


template <typename _Ty>
auto promise_impl_t<_Ty>::get_state() -> state_type*
auto promise_impl_t<_Ty>::get_state() noexcept -> state_type*
size_t _State_size = _Align_size<state_type>();

+ 1
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librf/src/rf_task.h View File

@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ RESUMEF_NS
task_base_t() = default;
virtual ~task_base_t();
state_base_t* get_state() const
state_base_t* get_state() const noexcept
return _state.get();

+ 1
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librf/src/scheduler.h View File

@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ RESUMEF_NS
return _ready_task.empty() && _runing_states.empty() && _timer->empty();
inline timer_manager* timer() const
inline timer_manager* timer() const noexcept
return _timer.get();

+ 4
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librf/src/spinlock.h View File

@@ -15,12 +15,12 @@ RESUMEF_NS
std::thread::id owner_thread_id;
spinlock() noexcept
void lock()
void lock() noexcept
using namespace std::chrono;
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ RESUMEF_NS
bool try_lock()
bool try_lock() noexcept
int val = FREE_VALUE;
bool ret = lck.compare_exchange_weak(val, LOCKED_VALUE, std::memory_order_acquire);
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ RESUMEF_NS
return ret;
void unlock()
void unlock() noexcept
#if _DEBUG
owner_thread_id = std::thread::id();

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librf/src/state.cpp View File

@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ RESUMEF_NS
bool state_generator_t::has_handler() const
bool state_generator_t::has_handler() const noexcept
return (bool)_coro;
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ RESUMEF_NS
bool state_future_t::has_handler() const
bool state_future_t::has_handler() const noexcept
scoped_lock<lock_type> __guard(_mtx);
return has_handler_skip_lock();

+ 25
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librf/src/state.h View File

@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ RESUMEF_NS
virtual void destroy_deallocate() = 0;
virtual void resume() = 0;
virtual bool has_handler() const = 0;
virtual bool has_handler() const noexcept = 0;
void set_scheduler(scheduler_t* sch)
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ RESUMEF_NS
virtual void destroy_deallocate() override;
virtual void resume() override;
virtual bool has_handler() const override;
virtual bool has_handler() const noexcept override;
bool switch_scheduler_await_suspend(scheduler_t* sch, coroutine_handle<> handler);
@@ -100,6 +100,12 @@ RESUMEF_NS
std::atomic<result_type> _has_value{ result_type::None };
bool _is_future;
initor_type _is_initor = initor_type::None;
static_assert(sizeof(std::atomic<result_type>) == 1);
static_assert(alignof(std::atomic<result_type>) == 1);
static_assert(sizeof(bool) == 1);
static_assert(alignof(bool) == 1);
static_assert(sizeof(std::atomic<initor_type>) == 1);
static_assert(alignof(std::atomic<initor_type>) == 1);
@@ -118,14 +124,22 @@ RESUMEF_NS
virtual void destroy_deallocate() override;
virtual void resume() override;
virtual bool has_handler() const override;
virtual bool has_handler() const noexcept override;
inline bool is_ready() const
inline bool is_ready() const noexcept
return 0 != reinterpret_cast<const std::atomic<uint16_t> &>(_has_value).load(std::memory_order_acquire);
//return _has_value.load(std::memory_order_acquire) != result_type::None || _is_future;
#ifndef __clang__
(_offset_of(state_future_t, _is_future) - _offset_of(state_future_t, _has_value) == 1)
return 0 != reinterpret_cast<const std::atomic<uint16_t> &>(_has_value).load(std::memory_order_acquire);
return _has_value.load(std::memory_order_acquire) != result_type::None || _is_future;
inline bool has_handler_skip_lock() const
inline bool has_handler_skip_lock() const noexcept
return (bool)_coro || _is_initor != initor_type::None;
@@ -135,16 +149,16 @@ RESUMEF_NS
return _parent ? _parent->get_scheduler() : _scheduler;
inline state_base_t * get_parent() const
inline state_base_t * get_parent() const noexcept
return _parent;
inline uint32_t get_alloc_size() const
inline uint32_t get_alloc_size() const noexcept
return _alloc_size;
inline bool future_await_ready()
inline bool future_await_ready() noexcept
//scoped_lock<lock_type> __guard(this->_mtx);
return _has_value.load(std::memory_order_acquire) != result_type::None;
@@ -199,7 +213,7 @@ RESUMEF_NS
case result_type::Exception:

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librf/src/switch_scheduler.h View File

@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ RESUMEF_NS
switch_scheduler_t& operator = (const switch_scheduler_t&) = default;
switch_scheduler_t& operator = (switch_scheduler_t&&) = default;

bool await_ready()
bool await_ready() noexcept
return false;
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ RESUMEF_NS
sptr->switch_scheduler_await_suspend(_scheduler, handler);

void await_resume()
void await_resume() noexcept

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vs_proj/librf.vcxproj View File

@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|x64'" Label="Configuration">
