tearshark 2 роки тому

+ 1
- 3
include/librf/src/channel_v2.inl Переглянути файл

@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ namespace detail
template<class _Ty, class _Chty>
struct state_channel_t : public state_base_t
, public intrusive_link_node<state_channel_t<_Ty, _Chty>>
using value_type = _Ty;

@@ -55,9 +56,6 @@ namespace detail

friend _Chty;
state_channel_t* _next = nullptr;

+ 4
- 0
include/librf/src/counted_ptr.h Переглянути файл

@@ -82,6 +82,10 @@ namespace librf
return _p;
operator T* () const noexcept
return _p;

* @brief 获得管理的state指针。

+ 44
- 7
include/librf/src/event_v2.h Переглянути файл

@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ namespace librf
struct event_v2_impl;


@@ -90,7 +89,7 @@ namespace librf
* @attention 只能在协程中调用。
template<class _Rep, class _Period>
timeout_awaiter wait_for(const std::chrono::duration<_Rep, _Period>& dt) const noexcept;
timeout_awaiter wait_for(const std::chrono::duration<_Rep, _Period>& dt) const noexcept; //test OK

* @brief 在协程中等待信号触发,直到超时。
@@ -102,30 +101,68 @@ namespace librf
* @attention 只能在协程中调用。
template<class _Clock, class _Duration>
timeout_awaiter wait_until(const std::chrono::time_point<_Clock, _Duration>& tp) const noexcept;
timeout_awaiter wait_until(const std::chrono::time_point<_Clock, _Duration>& tp) const noexcept; //test OK

template<class _Iter>
struct [[nodiscard]] any_awaiter;

* @brief 在协程中等待任意一个信号触发。
* @details 如果已经有信号触发,则立即返回第一个触发信号的索引。\n
* 否则,当前协程被阻塞,直到信号被触发后唤醒。
* 至少消耗一次信号触发次数。
* @param begin_ 容纳信号的容器的首迭代器
* @param end_ 容纳信号的容器的尾迭代器(不包含有效信号)
* @retval intptr_t [co_await] 返回第一个触发信号的索引
* @attention 只能在协程中调用。
template<class _Iter>
requires(_IteratorOfT<_Iter, event_t>)
static auto wait_any(_Iter begin_, _Iter end_)
static auto wait_any(_Iter begin_, _Iter end_)->any_awaiter<_Iter>;

* @brief 在协程中等待任意一个信号触发。
* @details 如果已经有信号触发,则立即返回第一个触发信号的索引。\n
* 否则,当前协程被阻塞,直到信号被触发后唤醒。
* 至少消耗一次信号触发次数。
* @param cnt_ 容纳信号的容器,需要支持std::begin(cnt_)和std::end(cnt_)
* @retval intptr_t [co_await] 返回第一个触发信号的索引
* @attention 只能在协程中调用。
template<class _Cont>
requires(_ContainerOfT<_Cont, event_t>)
static auto wait_any(const _Cont& cnt_)
static auto wait_any(const _Cont& cnt_)->any_awaiter<decltype(std::begin(cnt_))>;

template<class _Iter>
struct [[nodiscard]] timeout_any_awaiter;

* @brief 在协程中等待任意一个信号触发,直到超时。
* @details 如果已经有信号触发,则立即返回第一个触发信号的索引。\n
* 否则,当前协程被阻塞,直到信号被触发后,或者超时后唤醒。
* 如果等到了信号,则至少消耗一次信号触发次数。
* @param dt 超时时长
* @param begin_ 容纳信号的容器的首迭代器
* @param end_ 容纳信号的容器的尾迭代器(不包含有效信号)
* @retval intptr_t [co_await] 如果等到了任意一个信号,返回其索引(相对于begin_的距离);否则,返回-1
* @attention 只能在协程中调用。
template<class _Rep, class _Period, class _Iter>
requires(_IteratorOfT<_Iter, event_t>)
static auto wait_any_for(const std::chrono::duration<_Rep, _Period>& dt, _Iter begin_, _Iter end_)

* @brief 在协程中等待任意一个信号触发,直到超时。
* @details 如果已经有信号触发,则立即返回第一个触发信号的索引。\n
* 否则,当前协程被阻塞,直到信号被触发后,或者超时后唤醒。
* 如果等到了信号,则至少消耗一次信号触发次数。
* @param dt 超时时长
* @param cnt_ 容纳信号的容器,需要支持std::begin(cnt_)和std::end(cnt_)
* @retval intptr_t [co_await] 如果等到了任意一个信号,返回其索引(相对于begin_的距离);否则,返回-1
* @attention 只能在协程中调用。
template<class _Rep, class _Period, class _Cont>
requires(_ContainerOfT<_Cont, event_t>)
static auto wait_any_for(const std::chrono::duration<_Rep, _Period>& dt, const _Cont& cnt_)

+ 101
- 42
include/librf/src/event_v2.inl Переглянути файл

@@ -15,21 +15,18 @@ namespace librf
return _counter.load(std::memory_order_acquire) > 0;
void reset() noexcept
_counter.store(0, std::memory_order_release);
LIBRF_API void signal_all() noexcept;
LIBRF_API void signal() noexcept;
LIBRF_API void reset() noexcept;

LIBRF_API void add_wait_list(state_event_base_t* state);
LIBRF_API void remove_wait_list(state_event_base_t* state);
static constexpr bool USE_SPINLOCK = true;
static constexpr bool USE_LINK_QUEUE = false;

using lock_type = std::conditional_t<USE_SPINLOCK, spinlock, std::recursive_mutex>;
using state_event_ptr = counted_ptr<state_event_base_t>;
using link_state_queue = intrusive_link_queue<state_event_base_t, state_event_ptr>;
using wait_queue_type = std::conditional_t<USE_LINK_QUEUE, link_state_queue, std::list<state_event_ptr>>;
using wait_queue_type = intrusive_link_queue<state_event_base_t, state_event_ptr>;

bool try_wait_one() noexcept
@@ -42,12 +39,6 @@ namespace librf
return false;

void add_wait_list(state_event_base_t* state) noexcept
assert(state != nullptr);

lock_type _lock; //保证访问本对象是线程安全的
std::atomic<intptr_t> _counter;
@@ -61,10 +52,8 @@ namespace librf

struct state_event_base_t : public state_base_t
, public intrusive_link_node<state_event_base_t, counted_ptr<state_event_base_t>>
LIBRF_API virtual void resume() override;
LIBRF_API virtual bool has_handler() const noexcept override;

virtual void on_cancel() noexcept = 0;
virtual bool on_notify(event_v2_impl* eptr) = 0;
virtual bool on_timeout() = 0;
@@ -86,17 +75,17 @@ namespace librf
this->_thandler = this->_scheduler->timer()->add_handler(tp,
[st = counted_ptr<state_event_base_t>{ this }](bool canceld)
if (!canceld)
if (!canceld)

//counted_ptr<state_event_base_t> _next = nullptr;
timer_handler _thandler;

struct state_event_t : public state_event_base_t
state_event_t(event_v2_impl*& val)
@@ -114,20 +103,69 @@ namespace librf
std::atomic<event_v2_impl**> _value;

struct state_event_all_t : public state_event_base_t
struct state_event_all_t : public state_base_t
using sub_state_t = std::pair<counted_ptr<state_event_base_t>, detail::event_v2_impl*>;

state_event_all_t(intptr_t count, bool& val)
: _counter(count)
, _value(&val)
, _result(&val)
_values.resize(count, sub_state_t{nullptr, nullptr});

LIBRF_API virtual void on_cancel() noexcept override;
LIBRF_API virtual bool on_notify(event_v2_impl* eptr) override;
LIBRF_API virtual bool on_timeout() override;
LIBRF_API void on_cancel(intptr_t idx);
LIBRF_API bool on_notify(event_v2_impl* eptr, intptr_t idx);
LIBRF_API bool on_timeout();

std::atomic<intptr_t> _counter;
template<class _PromiseT, typename = std::enable_if_t<traits::is_promise_v<_PromiseT>>>
scheduler_t* on_await_suspend(coroutine_handle<_PromiseT> handler) noexcept
_PromiseT& promise = handler.promise();
auto* parent = promise.get_state();
scheduler_t* sch = parent->get_scheduler();

this->_scheduler = sch;
this->_coro = handler;

return sch;

inline void add_timeout_timer(std::chrono::system_clock::time_point tp)
this->_thandler = this->_scheduler->timer()->add_handler(tp,
[st = counted_ptr<state_event_all_t>{ this }](bool canceld)
if (!canceld)

std::vector<sub_state_t> _values;
intptr_t _counter;
event_v2_impl::lock_type _lock;
bool* _value;
timer_handler _thandler;
bool* _result;

template<class _StateT>
struct state_event_proxy_t : public state_event_base_t
state_event_proxy_t(_StateT* sta, intptr_t idx)
: _state(sta)
, _index(idx)
assert(sta != nullptr);
assert(idx >= 0);

void on_cancel() noexcept override { return _state->on_cancel(_index); }
bool on_notify(event_v2_impl* eptr) override { return _state->on_notify(eptr, _index); }
bool on_timeout() override { assert(false); return false; }
_StateT* _state;
intptr_t _index;

@@ -152,6 +190,11 @@ namespace librf
: _event(evt)
if (_event != nullptr && _state != nullptr)

bool await_ready() noexcept
@@ -167,14 +210,17 @@ namespace librf
scoped_lock<detail::event_v2_impl::lock_type> lock_(evt->_lock);

if (evt->try_wait_one())
return false;

_state = new detail::state_event_t(_event);
_event = nullptr;

if constexpr (!std::is_same_v<std::remove_reference_t<_Timeout>, std::nullptr_t>)


@@ -218,12 +264,11 @@ namespace librf
template<class _PromiseT, typename = std::enable_if_t<traits::is_promise_v<_PromiseT>>>
bool await_suspend(coroutine_handle<_PromiseT> handler)
if (!_Btype::await_suspend2(handler, [this]
if (!_Btype::await_suspend2(handler, [this]{ this->_state->add_timeout_timer(_tp);}))
return false;
return true;
return true;
clock_type::time_point _tp;
@@ -293,7 +338,9 @@ namespace librf

if constexpr (!std::is_same_v<std::remove_reference_t<_Timeout>, std::nullptr_t>)

for (auto iter = _begin; iter != _end; ++iter)
@@ -338,6 +385,7 @@ namespace librf
requires(_IteratorOfT<_Iter, event_t>)
auto event_t::wait_any(_Iter begin_, _Iter end_) ->event_t::any_awaiter<_Iter>
assert(false && "Function is flawed!");
return { begin_, end_ };

@@ -345,6 +393,7 @@ namespace librf
requires(_ContainerOfT<_Cont, event_t>)
auto event_t::wait_any(const _Cont& cnt_) ->event_t::any_awaiter<decltype(std::begin(cnt_))>
assert(false && "Function is flawed!");
return { std::begin(cnt_), std::end(cnt_) };

@@ -361,6 +410,7 @@ namespace librf
auto event_t::wait_any_for(const std::chrono::duration<_Rep, _Period>& dt, _Iter begin_, _Iter end_)
assert(false && "Function is flawed!");
clock_type::time_point tp = clock_type::now() + std::chrono::duration_cast<clock_type::duration>(dt);
return { tp, begin_, end_ };
@@ -370,6 +420,7 @@ namespace librf
auto event_t::wait_any_for(const std::chrono::duration<_Rep, _Period>& dt, const _Cont& cnt_)
assert(false && "Function is flawed!");
clock_type::time_point tp = clock_type::now() + std::chrono::duration_cast<clock_type::duration>(dt);
return { tp, std::begin(cnt_), std::end(cnt_) };
@@ -395,11 +446,11 @@ namespace librf
bool await_suspend2(coroutine_handle<_PromiseT> handler, const _Timeout& cb)
intptr_t count = std::distance(_begin, _end);
const intptr_t count = std::distance(_begin, _end);

using ref_lock_type = std::reference_wrapper<detail::event_v2_impl::lock_type>;
std::vector<ref_lock_type> lockes;
lockes.reserve(count + 1);

for (auto iter = _begin; iter != _end; ++iter)
@@ -408,27 +459,35 @@ namespace librf

_state = new detail::state_event_all_t(count, _value);

if constexpr (!std::is_same_v<std::remove_reference_t<_Timeout>, std::nullptr_t>)

batch_lock_t<ref_lock_type> lock_(lockes);

for (auto iter = _begin; iter != _end; ++iter)
intptr_t idx = 0;
for (auto iter = _begin; iter != _end; ++iter, ++idx)
detail::event_v2_impl* evt = (*iter)._event.get();
if (evt->try_wait_one())
_state->_counter.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
_state->_values[idx].second = evt;
auto* proxy = new detail::state_event_proxy_t<detail::state_event_all_t>(_state.get(), idx);
_state->_values[idx] = detail::state_event_all_t::sub_state_t{ proxy, evt };


if (_state->_counter.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) == 0)
if (_state->_counter == 0)
_state = nullptr;
_value = true;

+ 113
- 54
include/librf/src/intrusive_link_queue.h Переглянути файл

@@ -2,12 +2,24 @@

namespace librf
template<class _Node, class _Nodeptr = _Node*, class _Sty = uint32_t>
template<class _Node, class _Nextptr = _Node*>
struct intrusive_link_node
_Node* _prev;
_Nextptr _next;

template<class _Node2, class _Nodeptr2>
friend struct intrusive_link_queue;


template<class _Node, class _Nodeptr = _Node*>
struct intrusive_link_queue
using node_type = _Node;
using node_ptr_type = _Nodeptr;
using size_type = _Sty;

@@ -16,88 +28,135 @@ namespace librf
intrusive_link_queue& operator =(const intrusive_link_queue&) = delete;
intrusive_link_queue& operator =(intrusive_link_queue&&) = default;

auto size() const noexcept->size_type;
std::size_t size() const noexcept;
bool empty() const noexcept;
void push_back(node_ptr_type node) noexcept;
void push_front(node_ptr_type node) noexcept;
void erase(node_ptr_type node) noexcept;
auto try_pop() noexcept->node_ptr_type;
node_ptr_type _head;
node_ptr_type _tail;

std::atomic<size_type> m_count;
std::atomic<std::size_t> _count;
node_ptr_type _header;
node_ptr_type _tailer;

template<class _Node, class _Nodeptr, class _Sty>
intrusive_link_queue<_Node, _Nodeptr, _Sty>::intrusive_link_queue()
: _head(nullptr)
, _tail(nullptr)
, m_count(0)
template<class _Node, class _Nodeptr>
intrusive_link_queue<_Node, _Nodeptr>::intrusive_link_queue()
: _header(nullptr)
, _tailer(nullptr)
, _count(0)

template<class _Node, class _Nodeptr, class _Sty>
auto intrusive_link_queue<_Node, _Nodeptr, _Sty>::size() const noexcept->size_type
template<class _Node, class _Nodeptr>
std::size_t intrusive_link_queue<_Node, _Nodeptr>::size() const noexcept
return m_count.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
size_type count = 0;
for (node_type* node = _head; node != nullptr; node = node->next)
return _count.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
std::size_t count = 0;
for (node_type* node = _header; node != nullptr; node = node->next)
return count;

template<class _Node, class _Nodeptr, class _Sty>
bool intrusive_link_queue<_Node, _Nodeptr, _Sty>::empty() const noexcept
template<class _Node, class _Nodeptr>
bool intrusive_link_queue<_Node, _Nodeptr>::empty() const noexcept
return _head == nullptr;
return _header == nullptr;

template<class _Node, class _Nodeptr, class _Sty>
void intrusive_link_queue<_Node, _Nodeptr, _Sty>::push_back(node_ptr_type node) noexcept
template<class _Node, class _Nodeptr>
void intrusive_link_queue<_Node, _Nodeptr>::push_back(node_ptr_type e) noexcept
assert(node != nullptr);
assert(e != nullptr);

node->_next = nullptr;
if (_head == nullptr)
_head = _tail = node;
_tail->_next = node;
_tail = node;
e->_prev = _tailer;
e->_next = nullptr;

m_count.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
if (!_header)
_header = e;

if (_tailer)
_tailer->_next = e;
_tailer = e;

_count.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel);

template<class _Node, class _Nodeptr, class _Sty>
auto intrusive_link_queue<_Node, _Nodeptr, _Sty>::try_pop() noexcept->node_ptr_type
template<class _Node, class _Nodeptr>
void intrusive_link_queue<_Node, _Nodeptr>::push_front(node_ptr_type e) noexcept
if (_head == nullptr)
assert(e != nullptr);

e->_prev = nullptr;
e->_next = _header;

if (_header)
_header->_prev = e;
_header = e;

if (!_tailer)
_tailer = e;

_count.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel);

template<class _Node, class _Nodeptr>
void intrusive_link_queue<_Node, _Nodeptr>::erase(node_ptr_type e) noexcept
assert(e != nullptr);

if (_header == e)
_header = e->_next;
if (_tailer == e)
_tailer = e->_prev;

if (e->_next)
e->_next->_prev = e->_prev;
if (e->_prev)
e->_prev->_next = e->_next;

e->_prev = nullptr;
e->_next = nullptr;

_count.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel);

template<class _Node, class _Nodeptr>
auto intrusive_link_queue<_Node, _Nodeptr>::try_pop() noexcept->node_ptr_type
if (_header == nullptr)
return nullptr;

node_ptr_type node = _head;
_head = node->_next;
node->_next = nullptr;
node_ptr_type node = _header;
_header = node->_next;
if (_header != nullptr)
_header->_prev = nullptr;

if (_tail == node)
if (_tailer == node)
assert(node->_next == nullptr);
_tail = nullptr;
_tailer = nullptr;

m_count.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
node->_prev = nullptr;
node->_next = nullptr;

_count.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel);

return node;

+ 2
- 2
include/librf/src/state.h Переглянути файл

@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ namespace librf
LIBRF_API virtual void destroy_deallocate();
virtual void resume() = 0;
virtual bool has_handler() const noexcept = 0;
LIBRF_API virtual void resume();
LIBRF_API virtual bool has_handler() const noexcept;
LIBRF_API virtual state_base_t* get_parent() const noexcept;

void set_scheduler(scheduler_t* sch) noexcept

+ 76
- 41
source/event_v2.cpp Переглянути файл

@@ -4,21 +4,6 @@ namespace librf
namespace detail
LIBRF_API void state_event_base_t::resume()
coroutine_handle<> handler = _coro;
if (handler)
_coro = nullptr;

LIBRF_API bool state_event_base_t::has_handler() const noexcept
return (bool)_coro;

LIBRF_API void state_event_t::on_cancel() noexcept
@@ -54,6 +39,9 @@ namespace librf
event_v2_impl** oldValue = _value.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
if (oldValue != nullptr && _value.compare_exchange_strong(oldValue, nullptr, std::memory_order_acq_rel))
event_v2_impl* evt = *oldValue;
if (evt != nullptr)
*oldValue = nullptr;

@@ -69,54 +57,84 @@ namespace librf

LIBRF_API void state_event_all_t::on_cancel() noexcept
LIBRF_API void state_event_all_t::on_cancel(intptr_t idx)
intptr_t oldValue = _counter.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
if (oldValue >= 0 && _counter.compare_exchange_strong(oldValue, -1, std::memory_order_acq_rel))
scoped_lock<event_v2_impl::lock_type> lock_(_lock);
if (_counter <= 0) return ;
assert(idx < static_cast<intptr_t>(_values.size()));

_values[idx] = sub_state_t{ nullptr, nullptr };
if (--_counter == 0)
*_value = false;
*_result = false;

this->_coro = nullptr;
assert(this->_scheduler != nullptr);
if (this->_coro)

LIBRF_API bool state_event_all_t::on_notify(event_v2_impl*)
LIBRF_API bool state_event_all_t::on_notify(event_v2_impl*, intptr_t idx)
intptr_t oldValue = _counter.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
if (oldValue <= 0) return false;
scoped_lock<event_v2_impl::lock_type> lock_(_lock);

if (_counter <= 0) return false;
assert(idx < static_cast<intptr_t>(_values.size()));

_values[idx].first = nullptr;

oldValue = _counter.fetch_add(-1, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
if (oldValue == 1)
if (--_counter == 0)
*_value = true;
bool result = true;
for (sub_state_t& sub : _values)
if (sub.second == nullptr)
result = false;

*_result = result;

assert(this->_scheduler != nullptr);
if (this->_coro)

return true;

return oldValue >= 1;
return true;

LIBRF_API bool state_event_all_t::on_timeout()
intptr_t oldValue = _counter.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
if (oldValue >= 0 && _counter.compare_exchange_strong(oldValue, -1, std::memory_order_acq_rel))
*_value = false;
scoped_lock<event_v2_impl::lock_type> lock_(_lock);

assert(this->_scheduler != nullptr);
if (this->_coro)
if (_counter <= 0) return false;

return true;
_counter = 0;
*_result = false;

for (sub_state_t& sub : _values)
if (sub.first != nullptr)
event_v2_impl* evt = sub.second;
sub.second = nullptr;

if (evt != nullptr)
return false;

assert(this->_scheduler != nullptr);
if (this->_coro)

return true;

@@ -162,8 +180,6 @@ namespace librf
scoped_lock<lock_type> lock_(_lock);

_counter.store(0, std::memory_order_release);

state_event_ptr state;
for (; (state = try_pop_list(_wait_awakes)) != nullptr;)
@@ -184,6 +200,25 @@ namespace librf

_counter.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel);

LIBRF_API void event_v2_impl::reset() noexcept
_counter.store(0, std::memory_order_release);

LIBRF_API void event_v2_impl::add_wait_list(state_event_base_t* state)
assert(state != nullptr);

LIBRF_API void event_v2_impl::remove_wait_list(state_event_base_t* state)
assert(state != nullptr);

scoped_lock<lock_type> lock_(_lock);

LIBRF_API event_t::event_t(bool initially)

+ 17
- 1
source/state.cpp Переглянути файл

@@ -10,7 +10,23 @@ namespace librf
delete this;

LIBRF_API void state_base_t::resume()
if (likely(_coro))
coroutine_handle<> handler = _coro;
_coro = nullptr;

LIBRF_API bool state_base_t::has_handler() const noexcept
return (bool)_coro;

LIBRF_API state_base_t* state_base_t::get_parent() const noexcept
return nullptr;

+ 2
- 2
tutorial/test_async_event.cpp Переглянути файл

@@ -185,8 +185,8 @@ void resumable_main_event()
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
//std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;

+ 64
- 0
tutorial/test_memory_leak.cpp Переглянути файл

@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@

#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <thread>

#include "librf/librf.h"

using namespace librf;
using namespace std::chrono;

void test_memory_leak_event_wait_for()
event_t e;
for (;;)
bool val = co_await e.wait_for(1ms);
assert(val == false);
co_await yield();

for (;;)
auto have = this_scheduler()->run_one_batch();
if (!have) {

void test_memory_leak_event_wait_all_for()
event_t e[4];
for (;;)
bool val = co_await event_t::wait_all_for(1ms, e);
assert(val == false);
co_await yield();

for (;;)
auto have = this_scheduler()->run_one_batch();
if (!have) {

int main()

return 0;
